Open Search Symposium 2022

Oct 11 2022


Date: 11 October 2022, 17h15-17h35
Place: Zurich and online

Aurora González-Vidal, Researcher at the University of Murcia presents NGI Search on October 11, from 17h15 to 17h35 at the 4th Open Search Symposium. The conference takes place in Zurich CERN facility, with a possibility of online participation. Join the OSSYM registration page
The OSSYM 2022, 10-12 October, is bringing together the Open Internet Search community in Europe, involving science, computing centres, libraries, politics, legal, and ethics experts. The Open Search Symposium series provides a forum to discuss and advance the ideas and concepts of Open Internet search in Europe. 


Authors: NGI SEARCH: Aurora González-Vidal, Antonio F. Skarmeta1 (University of Murcia), Mirko Presser (Aarhus University), Marie Claire Tonna (FundingBox), Manuel Noya (Linknovate Science), Pierre-Yves Gibello (OW2).

Abstract: Internet-based data sources and resources continue to grow exponentially, making the mechanisms for searching and discovering insights, and making sense of data, a crucial field of research. The objective of Next Generation Internet (NGI) Search is to support innovative projects to develop trustworthy solutions towards the development of new ways of searching data by addressing the challenges of power cognitive search, natural language processing and social computing amongst other cutting-edge fields. The projectswill be compliant with open, collaborative and unbiased values. NGI Search will offer five Open Calls to find and select projects proposed by talented researchers, innovators and activists (NGI Surveyors) working in search and discovery within a human-centric context (meaning privacy-aware and trust-oriented) as well as vertical use-cases developed jointly with the industry. This will lead to more transparency and choice with a focus on privacy and trust, contributing to the overall vision of a more human-centric Internet.

page_white_acrobat Read the Open Search Symposium Paper

EU programme:  HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01  


This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under the grant agreement 101069364 and it is framed under Next Generation Internet Initiative.

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